Are you ready to reclaim your life and transform your health?

It's time to Thrive

You have options

Cancer is a personal experience

You may feel like you don't have any control. The truth is do actually do.

Reclaim your life and transform your health with one of our programs created for cancer survivors by a cancer thriver.

Take back control and become a thriver!

Mini-Courses to Get You Started

30 Days of Healthy Eating

Enjoy 30 days of recipes and a Healthy Eating Journal to support you in learning how food can support your health and healing.


Get Your Recipes Today

Wellness Through Food

Learn how food supports your health when you know what to eat. Learn what to eat and what not to eat, and ways to start making changes in your eating habits today.

Eat to Support Your Health

Kick the Sugar Habit

Getting off of sugar is one of the best things you can do for your health. In this course you will learn about sugar, why you need to kick the habit and how to do it.

Get Off of Sugar


Extend Your Personal Growth and Learning

Join me and many other amazing speakers at one of these online or in person conferences. 

Learn More Here

 Now Available 


Living to Thrive: a holistic guide to living with cancer

Get your copy today and get started on the path to thriving with cancer


Get Your Copy Today

Be An Exceptional Cancer Thriver

The first of 13 episodes that discuss the unique qualities that support cancer patients in rising above their prognosis to create a thriving life with cancer. In this first episode we explore what exceptional means and why this is important information to know if you are living with cancer.

Listen Here

5 Books You Need to Read When You Have Cancer

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the support and recommendations you are offering you? To help you make some reading choices, if that is what you are ready for, I am sharing with you the five books I have found most helpful and why I found them helpful.


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Demystifying Food with Guest Tamara Green

Does food feel complicated or overwhelming? When you have cancer knowing what to eat is an important part of the healing process. How do you know what to eat and how to navigate thoughts and feelings about food? Guest and nutritionist Tamara Green talks all things food and more. 

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