Kathryn White Blog

Cancer Thrivers

The Benefits of Ongoing Support

Sep 03, 2024

The Benefits of Ongoing Support Sep 03, 2024

When it comes to support there are three types of people: those who don't want it, those who will give it a try, and those who are all in.

When you don't know how to do something it is an easy fix to do a quick internet search to find answers. This is great if you are trying to figure out...

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3 Tools to Help You Stay Present Aug 27, 2024

Staying present, often referred to as mindfulness, involves focusing your attention on the current moment and experiencing it fully without judgment. This can be a challenge when your mind and body are in flight or flight mode.

A cancer diagnosis can take you back into the past questioning...

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What You Can Learn From Cancer Aug 13, 2024


There is no doubt that cancer is a life changing event. With three small words your whole world has turned upside down. From your home life to your work life to your social life things will change. You may have to leave work or change how you work because of your medical plan, your...

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5 Reasons You Need to Work with A Holistic Cancer Coach Jul 30, 2024

When I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2015, I had never heard of a cancer coach. I had to muddle through all my thoughts and feelings on my own with only my husband as my sounding board.

I tried working with a social worker at the cancer clinic, but it didn’t feel like a good...

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How a Body Mind Spirit Approach Supports Life with Cancer Jul 23, 2024

In 2018 I knew that something had to change. For three years I had been living with stage 4 colon cancer and I had been No Evidence of Disease for a year and half when a new cancer lump popped up. With this came more tests and another surgery. Fortunately, it did not mean more chemotherapy.

I was...

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3 Benefits of Breathwork for Cancer Patients Jul 16, 2024


We often use the terms take a breath or catch your breath when we are feeling overwhelmed or when we need to slow down. How many of you have said just breathe to help an upset child or friend calm down? Perhaps you didn't even realize you were saying it and that it actually...

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Navigating FEAR Jul 09, 2024

We can all agree that there is a lot of fear surrounding a cancer diagnosis. The C word is one of the scariest words in the world and it brings up all of the stories you have heard, the movies you have seen and the experiences you may have had with loved ones who have had cancer. This can create...

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5 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Surgery Jun 18, 2024

How do you even know how to prepare yourself for something you’ve never done? In 2015 I was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer, a diagnosis that required me to undergo some major surgery. For my first surgery I had no idea what surgery prep, the actual surgery and recovery would...

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5 Ways Gratitude Can Support People Living with Cancer Jun 11, 2024

Living with cancer has its challenges to say the least. Finding gratitude can be one of them. The overwhelm of the health situation, the trips to appointments and tests, and the sheer overwhelm and exhaustion both physically and mentally can make finding the good things in life difficult....

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4 Ways to Slow Down Racing Thoughts May 28, 2024

Can you calm your mind?

One aspect of cancer is a racing mind. There are so many thoughts that happen when you are navigating life with cancer. The Buddhists use the term Monkey Mind to reference how your mind won’t stop moving. Your thoughts are like a monkey swinging from branch to...

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Yoga for Cancer Support Apr 30, 2024

I want to challenge your ability to be flexible about this topic of yoga and invite you to explore how it can truly be part of changing your life when you have cancer. Looking at yoga in relation to cancer, I want to offer that it is so much more than the poses and the physical practice....

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