What You Can Learn From Cancer
Aug 13, 2024
by Kathryn White
There is no doubt that cancer is a life changing event. With three small words your whole world has turned upside down. From your home life to your work life to your social life things will change. You may have to leave work or change how you work because of your medical plan, your energy levels or even your desire and ability to work. Going out may become challenging as you try to stay clear of sick people and stressful environments. And, people may see you differently because you are changing.
In all of this there is an opportunity to learn and grow. The Chinese word for crisis is 'dangerous opportunity.' What this means is that in spite of the diagnosis there is a chance for you to learn more about who you are and what you are capable of doing in the face of adversity.
In the years since I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer I had many ups and downs. At the time they seemed like just part of life with cancer but what I know now, is they were moments that allowed me to learn more about myself and to grow as a person.
As you go through the physical treatment process your will learn a lot about how to navigate the medical world and how to be a patient. While experiencing that there is another layer of learning that is available to you. Can you see the potential to learn and grow and live today in ways you may never have imagined possible?
Three lessons you can learn from having cancer
Resilience and Strength: Many people discover inner strength and resilience they didn’t know they had, learning they can handle more than they thought possible. Until you are faced with having to do the unimaginable you may not know what you are truly capable of. Cancer asks a lot of you and puts you on a path that can feel out of your control. By being involved in your process and by asking questions and by you are taking back some control in your life. By doing this you may find inside of yourself tools that you didn't even know you had. The experiences in your life up to this moment have unknowingly prepared you to dig in and do the work that is required of you now. That is resiliency. You are stronger than you think.
Perspective on Priorities: Cancer can shift priorities, helping you to focus on what truly matters and let go of trivial concerns. What seemed like a big deal at one point in your life may now feel like it doesn't matter. Everything from where you spend your time and energy to who you spend it with can shift as you start to gain clarity on what really matters in your life. Get curious about what is important to you now and embrace this new opportunity to reinvent yourself.
Appreciation for Life: Cancer often brings a heightened awareness of the fragility and preciousness of life, leading to a deeper appreciation for everyday moments and relationships. Until you are faced with your own mortality you may just be existing from day to day. Cancer can show you how to really live your life. It can reveal to you that every day is meant to be lived to the fullest, that you can do more than just exist. How can you do this? Say yes to fun. Do things that bring your joy. Try things you have wanted to but have been hesitant to do. Experience all of your senses and how when your are aware of them life becomes more vibrant. Every day is a gift and it is never too late to start appreciating it.
Cancer will change your life in many ways. Perhaps you can see this as your dangerous opportunity rather than a crisis and find a different version of you that is ready to learn and grow along the way.
There is a lot to learn when you are living with cancer. Learning tools and strategies to support yourself is a key part of the healing process. When you support and believe in yourself you will feel empowered to take back some of the control you may feel you have lost in your life.
Kathryn White is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach who supports women to turn their cancer diagnosis into a thriving story one woman at a time.
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