Living to Thrive

A program for women living with cancer who are ready to reclaim their life and transform their health

It's Time To Create Your Thriving Life

No more internet searches looking for solutions and support. No more sleepless nights wondering how to keep moving forward everyday. More joy-full days. More self belief. More living to thrive!

The Living to Thrive program is designed by a thriver for women who want to thrive in their life with cancer. It's time to get on track and create the success you want to see in your life.

You get lifetime access to:

  • my Living to Thrive Method
  • my 5 Step ThriveHER Success Path
  • downloadable healthy recipes
  • mindset management strategies
  • core content to support the body, mind, and spirit
  • access to mini-courses
  • bonus content and so much more!

The space you have been looking for

A Guided Plan

Navigating cancer is hard enough. You shouldn't have to spend hours trying to figure out how to navigate all of the information out there. Using my 5 Step ThriveHer Success Path you get a clearly laid out plan to take you through the Living to Thrive Program week by week.

The resources you need to support your healing

Build Healthy Habits

Learn how to make physical and mental self-care practices a part of your daily life. Through videos, audio recordings and downloadable PDFs you can take your learning to the next level. And you get access to the private ThriveHer Community within your program space.

The confidence you want as you grow

Create Self Belief

Learn how to believe in yourself so you can live life with cancer. Self belief comes from understanding what you are thinking and how you can take fear filled negative thoughts and turn them into powerful thoughts that help you to become a health-full thriver!

Because your needs are unique to you.

We want to give you options

Living to Thrive Single Payment Plan

Lifetime access to the Living to Thrive program created by a Cancer Thriver for you the person looking for support.  

$297 single payment

"The time invested has proven more valuable than I could ever have imagined. Kathryn has guided me through an honest, very deep self-reflection that has brought me out on the other side of stuck. I am stepping forward with a confidence and hopefulness that cancer had stolen from me. I am so much better."

Client Love
Kathy- Stage 4 Colon Cancer Thriver

The Living to Thrive Method

The Living to Thrive Method is a step by step plan to move you from just surviving to creating your life as a ThriverHer. As you follow my 5 Step ThriveHER Success Plan you can see yourself moving forward, one day, one action, one thought, at a time. The best person to learn from is the person who has been right where you are now. -- I have been that stressed out, feeling like I am just keeping it all together mom and professional. I know what it looks like to feel overwhelmed by busy schedules, not knowing what to make for dinner, and not making time for myself. I let all of that build up and what happened - I ended up getting sick. Does this sound familiar to you? The good news is, you can live a happy and thriving life when you have tools and strategies to support yourself, when you believe that you can do it, and when you have the goal of moving from just surviving the day in and day out and instead becoming a thriver!

Module 1

Welcome to Living to Thrive

In this module, you are going to start taking control of your life to get yourself moving forward into a happier and healthier lifestyle with the help of my 5 Step ThriveHER Success Plan.

We'll start by setting you up for success with organizing your binder, learning about the lifestyle nourishment blueprint, and setting some goals for the weeks to come. The goal is to help you achieve organization and clarity about where you are going and HOW you are going to get there.

You are going to learn how to keep yourself on track, discover quick and easy ways to start reducing your stress, and set goals for yourself.



  • Get organized and set yourself up for success. Starting out with a plan to succeed will empower you to take control of your learning and your life.
  • Start building your foundation. Get familiar with the foundations for nourishing your body, mind, and spirit.
  • Start setting attainable goals right away to kick start your path to being a ThriveHer.

Module 2 - The Body

Physical Nourishment


Here we go! This module was the beginning of my own healthy living make over. When I discovered the impact that food had on my health I knew I needed to change how I ate. From sugar, to processed foods, to health building recipes, food matters. I know it can be a challenge to feed a family, or even to feed yourself but this is where you start to make the little changes that make a huge difference in living a healthier lifestyle.

Then we will move into movement and why it is so important to your health and happiness. You may not feel that movement is your thing but there is always a little something that you can learn and bring into your life in your own way.

Finally, we explore the unsung hero in your health story, sleep. We generally don't get enough of sleep and what we do get isn't always quality sleep. 

This module dives deep into the importance of sleep and how you can find a way to say goodnight and sleep tight.



  • Uncover and identify the foods that will and will not support your health. Start by learning why what you put in your body matters, how the food industry has created foods that fill you up but don't provide you with the nutrients you need to be healthy, and recipes that will help you to be health-full. 
  • Learn how to successfully bring movement into your life. Through exploring gentle yoga practices you will become more confidant in your body and start feeling stronger and calmer.
  • Start learning about the role of sleep in your body to build health and the ability to function on a daily basis.

Module 3 - The Mind

Emotional Nourishment


Module 3 dives deep into the topic of stress. Whether we know it or not, we all carry stress in our life. I know what stress did to my health and that is why I want to help you reduce your stress and find ways to manage it.

You will begin by understanding exactly what stress is and what role it plays in your life. This module is designed to help you see what stress can do to your health when it isn't managed.

You are going to learn about the different types of stress, discover the impact of stress on the body, examine the relationship between stress and nutrition, and develop techniques to manage your stress.

We talk a little bit about pain and how it can feel overwhelming. You are going to learn tools to help support you when pain is coming in.

Next we explore mindfulness practices that can become part of your stress, overwhelm and emotional management. Knowing how to breathe, to meditate, to practice gratitude and more can be an anchor when life just feels like a lot and you don't know how to navigate it.

Finally, we explore your brain and how it wants to control your life. Through tools and strategies, as well as coaching, you will learn how to recognize when thoughts and feelings are coming in and how to be the master of your mind.



  • Discover the impact stress has on a number of systems in the body. Discovering how your body responds to stress will allow you to examine yourself and where you sit with stress.
  • Begin to use tools and strategies right away to guide you through pain, overwhelm and run away thoughts.
  • Explore different methods of bringing mindfulness into your life so you can learn how to find peace and calm.

Module 4  - The Spirit

Self Nourishment


Having walked in the world of being disconnected from myself, I now know the value of learning how create self love and self belief. Discovering yoga, meditation and how to breathe has changed my life and it can change yours too. You may not feel that yoga is your thing but there is always a little something that you can learn and bring into your life in your own way.

Here we will explore why self care is so important to your health and happiness. This module will offer you the opportunity to find what you can do to slow down your mind, relieve your stress, and find your calm.

Learn the importance of why you need to believe in yourself when you have cancer, and discover what brings you peace and happiness.



  • Uncover the power of taking time for yourself to bring peace and happiness into your body, mind, and spirit. Begin by learning more about how your spirit and how you can support it.
  • Discover the power of self care through easy and accessible self care practices.
  • Uncover self belief that helps you to move through your life feeling calm and in control. Explore a variety of options that will support your self belief and help create self love.

Module 5 - Your ThriveHer Blueprint

Lifestyle Nourishment Blueprint


Your health isn't just one piece; your health is a variety of pieces that when you put them together create a blueprint based on your own unique needs and styles. You are an individual with different needs than others and you need to honour and respect that about yourself.

Here is where you bring everything together to build your unique picture of yourself and how you can incorporate everything you have learned along this journey to create your life with cancer and to become a health-full ThriveHer.

Here you are going to design your lifestyle nourishment blueprint using the model provided at the beginning of the program. Included in it will be techniques and tools that have resonated with you and that you can apply to your own life.



  • Identify what you need and want in your blueprint to continue your health-full ThriveHer lifestyle. Here you will learn the power of boundary setting and giving yourself permission to care for yourself.
  • Develop a plan for success in your daily life that will encourage the continuation of healthy eating, movement, mindfulness and self care as a lifestyle.
  • Create your promise to yourself. Writing out your own healthy lifestyle promise will remind you of the goals you set for yourself and your promise to yourself to continue your personal growth and self-empowerment.


Because your needs are unique to you.

We want to give you options

Living to Thrive Single Payment Plan

Lifetime access to the Living to Thrive program created by a Cancer Thriver for you the person looking for support.  

$297 single payment

Do you wish that you had the tools to help you navigate the overwhelm of life with cancer?

Whether you are...

  • a mom to a busy family who count on you to support their needs on top of your own
  • a busy professional woman working outside the home all day with little energy to make time for yourself and your family when you get home at the end of the day
  • a woman who has experienced cancer and wants to get their health back on track


you are in the right place! I want to share with you exactly how Living to Thrive can give you the tools you need to regain your energy, get your health back on track, and reduce your stress.

Start Thriving Today

Client Love

Real women who have achieved amazing results with my proven Living to Thrive Method

Michelle G

Kathryn's knowledge and personal experience and well earned victory with her own journey with cancer was and is an invaluable resource.

The body truly has been created to heal itself given the PROPER tools. This part of my journey included a change in diet! It has made all the difference.

Jennifer B

My life has been changed by working with Kathryn. We began with changing what and how I was eating. After getting my digestive health back on track we began working on stress reduction and organization. Kathryn's knowledge of why we need to live a healthier lifestyle comes through in all aspects of her teaching.

Donna H

Kathryn was a lifeline when I was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. She listened, really listened while I talked about my journey, people’s reactions and my fears.  As a cancer survivor, Kathryn understands the cancer journey in a way most people can’t. She provided me with nutritional information that helped me to prepare for and heal from surgery and subsequent radiation treatments.


I completely understand where you are and that is why I want to personally invite you to join me in this lifestyle transforming course.

It wasn't that long ago that I was completely unaware of how unhealthy my life was. I thought I was eating healthy, I thought that I was managing my stress. Everyone around me seemed to be running the same life race so I thought how I was living was how we are supposed to be living.

And then things fell apart. A small pain turned into a diagnosis of Stage 4 colon cancer. My entire world turned upside down with three words, "You have cancer."

I count myself as one of the lucky ones. I navigated surgeries and chemotherapy and got healthy again. It wasn't easy. I didn't have anyone telling me what I needed to do to make healthy lifestyle changes. I had to figure it out for myself.

And that is why I am here today with you. I want to be the person who helps you learn how to thrive in life. I want to support you as you learn to listen to yourself and your body so that you can be your healthiest version of yourself.

Sharing with others the importance of living a healthy lifestyle has completely changed my life. I have made it my life work to share what I know and what I didn't know with others in the hope that they will never have to experience the complete collapse of their health like I did.

Now your is your time to take this risk-free plunge into healthy living and create your life as a ThriveHer.

If you decide to jump into this adventure, I personally guarantee that this course will be wholly and completely life changing moment for you and the ones you love.

See inside Living to Thrive.

Get started today

Become part of a community of women who are taking back control of their health and happiness.

It's your time to thrive

Frequently Asked Questions

You get lifetime access to our Living to Thrive Method and resources that includes healthy recipes, mindset management, core content to support the body, mind, and spirit, access to mini-courses, bonus content and so much more!

Because I believe so much in the Living to Thrive Method, I guarantee you will love it and learn from it. If it doesn't work for you, you have a 30 day Total Health Guarantee to get your full investment back.

I know that you can do this!

YES, you may feel frustrated or overwhelmed sometimes but...

You are here for a reason. Something inside of you led you to this place. Trust your instincts and believe in yourself!

I have to be honest, you are going to have to do the work. I can't do that part. But you are already here taking the first steps which shows me you want this!

This course is designed to share the information with you in a way that you get to decide how much time you have based on your schedule.

A recommended path to complete the program is included so that you don't feel overwhelmed and so that you are successful. It is your choice.

You can do a little work at a time or dig right in.

The content will be there when you are able to get to it. And, the content will be there forever so you can complete it and go back to it if you need a little boost or refresher. I will let you know if that changes down the road.
