Kathryn White Blog
Cancer Thrivers
by Kathryn White
with guest Georges Cordoba
Join George Cordoba a stage IV melanoma with metastasis in the brain cancer thriver.
Georges fought the disease for ten years and has undergone ten surgeries. When it got to the point where Georges felt that pharmaceuticals had nearly destroyed...
by Kathryn White
Forest bathing, or Shinrin-yoku, is the Japanese practice of immersing oneself in a forest environment to enhance well-being. This experience, which involves mindful engagement with nature, has been studied extensively for its benefits to physical, mental, and emotional...
by Kathryn White
Are you looking around to see what everyone else is doing to manage their cancer diagnosis?
There are so many options for support when you have cancer that it can get overwhelming. What one person is doing isn't necessarily the best fit for you.
Cancer is an individual...
by Kathryn White
As you navigate life with cancer one of the most important beliefs that you can adopt is that mindset matters.
Your life is filled with situations that elicit a response. Sometimes the response will be a good feeling and other times it will be one of stress or overwhelm or...
by Kathryn White
with guest Ngozi Onwuchekwa
Ngozi Onwuchekwa is the recent survivor of a rare and deadly disease, Rhabdomyosarcoma, and who within the year of remission, also won the Mrs Exceptional Lady Universe crown at the 2023 Mrs Universe pageant in Miami, beating numerous...
by Kathryn White
Fatigue and a lack of energy are a real problem for people living with cancer. Treatments and surgeries can be depleting on the body and energy. So can pain, stress, and anxiety. I always encourage my clients to do what they can and within their means. A little bit of...
by Kathryn White
When it comes to support there are three types of people: those who don't want it, those who will give it a try, and those who are all in.
When you don't know how to do something it is an easy fix to do a quick internet search to find answers. This is great if you are...
by Kathryn White
Staying present, often referred to as mindfulness, involves focusing your attention on the current moment and experiencing it fully without judgment. This can be a challenge when your mind and body are in flight or flight mode.
A cancer diagnosis can take you back into the...
by Kathryn White
Many cancer patients are faced with chemotherapy as part of their treatment plan. Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. It works by targeting rapidly dividing cells, which includes cancer cells, but can also affect other...
by Kathryn White
There is no doubt that cancer is a life changing event. With three small words your whole world has turned upside down. From your home life to your work life to your social life things will change. You may have to leave work or change how you work because of your...
by Kathryn White
Supporting a friend with cancer can be challenging, but your care and support can make a big difference for them. One of the challenges that the person with cancer may be facing is how to ask for help. How do you ask for help when you don't know what you need?
by Kathryn White
When I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2015, I had never heard of a cancer coach. I had to muddle through all my thoughts and feelings on my own with only my husband as my sounding board.
I tried working with a social worker at the cancer clinic, but it...
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